
Results Of The Big Birthday Diet Cheat: Does Sugar Suppress Immune Function?

Results Of The Big Birthday Diet Cheat: Does Sugar Suppress Immune Function?

Somehow, I survived this decadent birthday weekend. Friday was my name day, and Lisa was a wonderful partner, preparing for me all of the junk food I requested: pancakes, coffee cake, blondies, cupcakes, and so on. It was to be the “Big Birthday Diet Cheat,” out-cheating all those smaller indiscretions preceding it, since we have […]

April 2013 NESO Re-Cap: The Days Leading Up To The Tourney

April 2013 NESO Re-Cap: The Days Leading Up To The Tourney

Eating We didn’t eat anything different, per se, leading up to the tournament, unless you count switching to the Gracie Diet 2 months prior. I guess you could, considering I lost about 13 pounds without trying, and came in under weight for the competition without unhealthy weight-cutting methods like the water elimination I’ve done the […]

Mixed Veggies For The Week

Gracie Diet, Week 5: Getting Groceries Straight

Lisa and I are just beginning week five of eating according to the Gracie Diet. The other night she told me she read something suggesting “easing into” full adherence. Oops. We unknowingly went “cold turkey” into it, though with no ill-effects. Here is how we’ve learned to make it a part of our lives so […]

New Blog, New Diet

Happy Birthday, Blog! Lisa and I have been talking for a while about getting our own blogs up to talk about the ups and downs of our training, possibly some details of our training (an online journal of sorts), and our impressions of and approach to a lifestyle that supports our training.  The blogs are […]